304.737.3660 or 304-527-1430


Sheriff Richard Beatty, Jr.

To Protect & Serve the People of Brooke County

Tax Deadline Extention

Pursuant to Executive Order 13-20, second-half 2019 ad valorem property tax that would become delinquent on April 1, 2020, shall now become delinquent if not paid on or before May 1, 2020. Also, County sheriffs may not declare 2019 ad valorem property taxes to be...

The Sheriff’s Department Serves the Community

Our office exists to serve the people in a variety of ways, such as law enforcement, tax collection, Mapping and Addressing services, and security at the Brooke County Courthouse.

We are community partners who always seek the best outcome for the people of Brooke County.

Conceal and Carry Permits

Learn the requirements for obtaining a Conceal and Carry Permit..

Drug Enforcement

Our office is the primary drug enforcement team for Brooke County.

K9 Unit

Meet Dakota, our K9 officer here in Brooke County.

Detective Division

A brief description of our Detective Division

How Can We Help?

we’ll use the toggle areas on the right side here to expand into more detail on specific elements of service in the community….

Riverfront Patrol and Enforcement

Every year, we provide security and patrol to our river.  If you any questions about our laws or policies, please let us know.

Drug Enforcement and Education

We want to provide our community with updated education regarding drug enforcement.  As a community, we need to come together and fight the war on drugs as we strive to make our community a safer place to live.

Incident and Special Response Units

Our SRT team trains monthly to provide Brooke County residents with the best services in regards to incident response and security.

Sexual Offender Registry

The WV State Police are responsible for maintaining and updating the sex offender registry.  If you have any questions in regards to the registry, feel free to contact the WVSP. 

WV State Police Sex Offender Registry

Sheriff Sales

The Sheriff is responsible for holding tax auctions and unclaimed property auctions periodically pursuant to state law.  If you have any questions in regard to sales, please contact the Sheriff.  

We’re here to support our community.
Let us know how to help you!

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